
Sunday, May 20, 2007

All my websites!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Texas holdem poker Starting Hand Stratagy

A good starting hand is the first and foremost key to winning at online Texas Holdem poker, period.

The majority of the online poker community tends to overlook this crucial element essential for winning consistently. Sure, anyone will get lucky every now and then with a 7-2 off suit, but to win consistently you must condition yourself to play only hole cards with the best possible winning percentages.

So what is a good starting hand?

Ace/Ace - Ace/King Suited - King/King? There are numerous books and resources on the internet that will give you an ANTICIPATED good starting hand along with the win percentages for each, but here is what they don't tell you: The strength of a good starting hand depends greatly on the number of players left in the game AND the number of callers. If there are 10 people seated at the table, then a good starting hand will be quite different from a good starting hand with only 3 players sitting at the table.

David "Einstein" Sklansky was the first author to have both ranked every 2-card starting hand and group them along with recommendations on how to play them. The top 16 ranked starting hole cards are fundamental to solid play. They constitute about 7% of all hands you will be dealt.
Table 1 - Sklansky's Group 1 hands AA KK QQ JJ AKs

Ace/Ace and King/King are substantially more powerful than the Queen/Queen.
Table 2 - Sklansky's Group 2 hands TT AQs AJs KQs AK

The overall power of Ace/King is actually slightly greater than that of King/Queens, so I would reverse the order of these two hands within this Group

Out of the 10 hands in these two groups your decision to raise should not be treated equally based upon the following:

? Raising Ace/Ace, King/King, Queen/Queen, and Ace/King should be aggressive before the flop because these cards can lose their value in large multi-way pots. Raising Ace/King, Ace/Queen, Ace/Jack, and King/Queen should be moderate because they do play well in multi-way pots. Raising Jack/Jack should only be done on a tight tables in order to run out hands such as Ace/Nine. This type of hand can also lose value in multi-way pots. Raising Ten/Ten is generally not recommended.

Always consider the fact that your starting hand strength also depends on your table position, or how many people bet before and after you do. As a general rule, you should stick to the conventional best starting hand percentages when there are 8 to 10 players with 2 to 3 callers. When the field is narrowed down to 5 players or less, you should play your starting hands more aggressively. For example, the Ace/King suited is often considered to be the second best starting hand with a full table. If there are less than 5 players left, any Ace hole card with a decent kicker can give you the same winning percentages as the Ace/King suited would have. The concept is very simple, you are playing the mathematical odds implied via the 52 cards in the deck along with the probability that fewer players will equal less chances that someone will draw an Ace. In short, the fewer number of players holding cards at a table, the greater your chances of winning are.

If you are in a late position at a full table and have seen one player wager a large bet, and there are one or two callers, most often you can bet at the very least ONE of them is holding a strong starting hand with high win percentages (such as an Ace with a high kicker, suited sequence cards, or heavy pocket pairs, etc).

If, at any given point of the game, you have five or more players seeing the flop, then a good starting hand can often times change to small sequence cards such as a five/six or a small suited pairs. Reason? When over half of the players at a table call a hand, the high cards such as Aces, Kings, and Queens are usually tied up as hole cards thus not showing up on the flop, turn or river. This is an excellent opportunity for small pairs, lower straights, or any flush draw to win a big pot. As a general rule, you should never bet the minimum when you have an excellent starting hand unless you intend to "limp in" and get more callers for the hand. There are times when limping in can win you some big pots, but you shouldn't let slow playing become a dominant strategy. It is good to bet at least 3 to 4 times the minimum in order to run out any possible draw hands or players who rely on luck and chance to win a big pot early in the tournament.

Once you have mastered the basic concept of good starting hands for every scenario, you will become a better all around Texas Holdem player!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Now They are Attacking Neteller!

The US has now made it so that neteller will no longer let US customers transfer money to online gaming sites. The number of online poker rooms that will allow you to play are also limited.

I have finished my new webpage, It has links to every poker room that allows US players. There are also links to every poker strategy e-book ans calculator software. I have made simple so that users can use it as a directory.

Check it out!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Micon System 2 - Full Disclosure Finally Released!

The Micon System 2

The Micon System 2 - Full Disclosure was released today!

The follow up book is packed with 4 hours of content and in my opinion trumps the first edition. Professional poker player Bryan Micon has released the follow up to his extremely successful audio book, The Micon System. The Micon System 2 - Full Disclosure is now available for purchase.

I have had the chance to listen to portions of this audio book, and I can tell you it is worth every dollar to the online player that does not play strong in multi-table tournaments.

The difference between the original Micon System and The Micon System 2 - Full Disclosure is very significant. In this follow up edition, Micon has packed in over 4 hours of content and does not miss a single aspect about becoming an expert multi-table tournament player. In this edition, Micon does a great job laying out his entire strategy from beginning to end in MTT's. Hence the name Full Disclosure, Micon does not leave any stone unturned in this audio book.

Love him or hate him, Bryan Micon is one of the most consistent winning online and live tournament players around. Unlike most players he has strict bankroll management abilities and consistently wins month after month. Likewise, after his great showing at the 2006 WSOP, and his subsequent ESPN coverage, Micon has become a "known player" in the poker world. I strongly reccomend buying the Micon System 2 and urge you to atleast take a look for yourself.

Check Out The Micon System, Click Here!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

The 75 Best Poker Strategy Article's Online!

I am so close to finishing my collection of the Best 75 Poker Strategy Article's ever! The 75 article's will be avaliable at

The first 50 article's are finished! You can check them out at:

The last 25 will be done soon! I think that after I finish the site I will do something special for all my visitor's. Maybe give out my new e-book for free!

Well to tell you the truth, no matter what happens I'm going to give out my new poker e-book free! So be on the lookout for my e-book giveaway!

For now just check out

Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Importance of Poker Position

Texas Hold’em is all about people and position. All rounded Hold’em players agree that position in no limit Texas Hold’em is fundamentally important. Playing your hole cards in late position can be much more profitable than in early poker position. The reason because much more information is gathered before acting. For example, I was playing a $1-$2 no limit cash game at a local spot. I limped in with 2 , 9 unsuited (a terrible hand) on the dealer button, just to see some action. Flop came down A -A -4 . A player in early position made a $15 bet. Two players fold and it was my turn to act. I should have folded, but his play seemed a bit off. I identified this player as a weak-tight player earlier, and typically if he had the best hand he would just check. I thought, ‘if he held trips, why would he raise so early instead of checking and try to trap other players.’ I didn’t put him on an Ace this time, so I called. The turn came down with a 7 , making it A -A -4 -7 . My opponent made another bet of $20. I hesitated a bit, but made a split decision to reraise another $30 on top of his $20. He folds and I take the pot down.
Playing late position gives you an idea where you stand by observing how players react and bet. On the other hand, players at early position may us their poker position to check-raise the late positioned aggressors and trap them later at the end. In Texas Hold’em, both ends, late and early should be played cautiously regardless.

Monday, October 09, 2006

The FACTS About the new Poker Bill

First and foremost, this bill does not criminalize playing poker. In fact, the bill does not speak to the poker player at all. The bill only effects banks, now they cannot legally let players transfer money to online poker rooms.

Some poker rooms are going to ban US players from playing with real money. The large poker rooms that will block US players include:

Party Poker

Paradise Poker

Pacific Poker
– Not 100% Positive

Note: More poker rooms will be added to this list soon.

If you currently play on any of these site I recommend that you cash out most, if not all, your money very soon!

Here is a list of poker rooms that will continue allowing US players to play:

Absolute Poker

Mansion Poker

Note: More poker rooms will be added to this list soon.

Please download the PokerBar, a new tool bar that will notify you of new information about the new Poker Bill. The PokerBar has ton’s of great features for poker players. I strongly urge you to download the PokerBar right now!

PokerBar Download, Click Here!
To read more about the Poker Bill please use the link below:

Poker Bill PDF

Friday, September 29, 2006

Winning Texas Holdem Poker Strategy

In any type of game, strategy is an important part of winning. Adapting to the differences in each game, understanding the importance of position and realizing that knowledge is essential are three main parts of Texas Holdem strategy. There are many different approaches to strategy, but if a player uses these three key parts, then they should discover they have a winning strategic approach.

Adapting to the differences in the game is an important part of strategy. Not every approach works in every situation. A player that finds, during the course of the game, that another player is picking up on their strategy may need to change their style a little to throw the other player off. Being able to make quick decisions and being flexible with game play is also part of adapting. Adapting is relevant in every game, every time Texas Holdem is played. A player who does not adapt will find keeping up a winning strategy is difficult.

Understanding the importance of position is most relevant to the game of Texas Holdem than any other poker game. Texas Holdem is based on the fact that the position a player is in has great influence over that player’s game. Position is based on literally where a player sets during the game. The ideal position is to have a player on the right side that bets often and high. On the left side a player wants someone who does not win often. This ideal position sets the player up to win big more often. It is also a good position to be the last player to act. This allows the player an advantage of seeing the other players’ actions and the ability to get basic information about their hands. Position can often times mean the difference between a bad game and a good game.

The biggest advantage to a winning strategy is information. A player who keeps themselves informed throughout the game will have the best odds of winning. A strategy that includes observation and the gathering of information sets a player up to be able to determine other players’ actions and bet accordingly. Texas Holdem is all about information and how a player uses it. A player should aim to get as much information as possible while giving little information to other players. Strategies differ from player to player and from game to game. The idea behind a winning strategy is to be able to make it work in any game. This means being able to adapt it to the situation of the game, having a good position and gathering information. A strategy may change or be altered throughout a game of Texas Holdem. The basic structure of a winning strategy, though, is made up of the three key parts regardless of its implementation.

Online Texas Holdem Poker Strategies

The game of Poker has taken the world by storm in recent years. Although it has always been an exciting card game, lately it has gained mounting popularity and has shown us through tournaments such as “The World Series of Poker” that even an average Joe, who has been playing the game for a relatively short amount of time, can walk away a millionaire. The way to win is to devise your own way of playing the game by building from a variety of tried and true Poker strategies available for you to learn.

The most important trick for a beginning Poker player to learn is how to “read” the other players. Unless you have an absolutely stellar hand that you are certain will win, then the strategy of reading your opposing players, to help determine what you should do with your own hand, is essential. You should begin by taking a few hands to observe your fellow players. Try to uncover if there are any habits your opponents have that coincide with a good hand or a bluff. Most great players try to conceal anything that could give away their hand, however, there may be very small, almost unnoticeable, things they are unaware of.

Another good way to try and determine what your opponent may have is by his verbal skills. He may try to distract you from your own hand by carrying on a meaningless conversation or taunting you when he is trying to bluff, be almost silent when he has a great hand, or over-acting like he has a outstanding hand when he actually has nothing. After a few hands, you may be able to decipher any patterns that your opposing players may have.

As you try to read your fellow Poker players keep in mind that they are probably trying to read you as well. Therefore, it is a good idea to try and not develop any noticeable patterns of your own. When playing with close friends, ask if there is anything you may do and are unaware of that could possibly give away your hand. Sometimes even something as little as an eyelid flutter can give devoted and observant opponents the advantage.

If trying to read your opponents doesn’t work out in the beginning, don’t get discouraged! The more you practice reading other players, the easier it will get. With each game of Poker that you play, you will be able to hone all of your skills and strategies until you are a true Poker master and, eventually, you may be ready to enter into the “World Series of Poker” yourself.

Top 3 Most Wanted Features Of Online Poker Sites

Interested in playing a round or two of online poker, are you? If so, be aware that playing poker is not like taking your chances in a slot machine. When playing poker – even though you’re online – you’re not just going against a machine and the cosmic powers alone. No, you’re going against live players yourself, only you can’t see them. And these other poker players are just like you – in the sense that they can just as well scheme, bluff, lie, cheat and intimidate just to win.

If you’re not willing to lose a lot of money for the sake of gaining much needed experience in playing online poker, you then have to familiarize yourself with the most wanted features of online poker sites. Not just any online poker site will do if you want to improve your chances of winning.
And without further ado, here are several of the most wanted features of online poker sites that you would care to know:

Type and Number of Players Registered – When choosing an online poker site to play at, one of the most wanted features involves knowing just how many players are registered in the site. Naturally, you want the online poker site of your choice to have a high membership rate because that means you’ll always have opponents available to face you at any time of the day – whenever the urge to play poker strikes you – with such a high membership rate, you’ll also have the luxury to choose which type of poker player you prefer to go against. Naturally, there are some online poker sites who may indeed have a high membership rate. But unfortunately for first-time poker players like you, most of the registered members in these sites are already very good poker players and quite difficult to beat when you go against them. If in doubt of the type of poker players registered at the site of your choice, try to look for third party reviews so you won’t make a mistake you’ll later regret.

Variety of Games Offered – Poker is always a fun and enjoyable game, it’s true, but if and when you play the same thing over and over, it tends to become a bit boring, doesn’t it? That’s why when choosing an online poker site to play at, you have to make sure that the website offers a wide variety of games. This would ensure that you won’t be too bored later on and secondly, you’ll be able to hone your skills in different poker versions.

Quick Payout – ‘Nuff said.Who doesn't like that?

How To Improve Your Poker Game

If you are an avid poker player then you will constantly be looking for ways to improve your poker game. Gaming strategies, odds calculators, poker tutorials and more can certainly assist you in your attempts to improve your game. Plus, good old fashioned practice will help you hone your poker skills and will also help you become a sharp and formidable poker player at the tables.

First, if you are looking to improve your poker game, you will want to read every book you possibly can about the subject. Professional poker players often write books about their playing techniques. In learning about the different techniques that various poker player’s use, you can learn the techniques that work best for you and subsequently improve your poker game.

Second, when looking to improve your poker game, you will want to explore as many strategic plays as possible. This can be done at free online casinos where you can learn the different types of rules for poker variants, the different types of hands to play and you can even play against people from anywhere on the globe.

Third, when seeking to improve your poker game, you may want to read or check out various poker game tutorials on the web. Such tutorials may provide you with some insight that you may have not otherwise had before you viewed the tutorial. You would be surprised what you might learn while viewing tutorials and you will find the learning process both engaging and fun.

Fourth, you might what to familiarize yourself with poker odds. You can memorize poker odds to increase your playing power at the tables or, if you prefer, you can invest in a poker odds calculator. A poker odds calculator can help you learn the odds of various hands and once you have mastered the odds; you will be able to place far wiser bets at the playing table.

Finally, you can learn a lot by watching the pros play. When watching professional poker players note how the intimidate other players and study their poker face. Studying the poker faces of the professionals will help you develop your own strategies for psyching out other players at the table. Let’s face it; sometimes you need to bluff, no matter what your strategy is. Nevertheless, by mastering the techniques of poker, there will be fewer times that you will be required to bluff!

Online Poker Tips

Internet poker room is a good place to test your basic skills and define the best live poker game playing strategy for yourself. At the Internet poker room table you would have to play against possibly more skilled opponents.

The first and the main live poker game tip on our list is: do your homework, study the basic rules of poker game, memorize all possible poker hands, visit Internet poker forums, read books on poker, chat with other poker card players.

Then try a few FREE versions of an Internet poker room game at our sister site: 3-hand, 5-hand, Caribbean Stud, Texas Holdem Poker, Video Poker. They all are fun to play!

Take full advantage of live poker game deposit bonuses at the Internet poker room you choose. Almost all Internet poker rooms offer deposit bonuses for new poker players, usually from $30 to $50.

Place a limit on the money you are going to gamble with before you start playing live poker game.

When playing a poker game, analyze the playing habits and poker playing strategies used by your opponents at the Internet poker room table.

As a beginner do not play too many poker hands, you will be sure to loose. Play only the higher value starting hands.

With chosen low poker limits you can play live poker game for several hours for less than the cost of a movie ticket. So even if you lose a little, think of the expence as a small payment for a nicely spent evening.

Play poker at your present mastery level. If you are just a beginner poker card player, do not rush into Internet poker room tournaments, your time will come after months of improving your skill in numerous live poker games.

Learn how to fold a poker hand and when. Fold if you have nothing in your hand, do not be afraid to fold poker hands as many times as necessary.

Master the art of choosing starting poker hands, employing pot odds, and aggressively betting your winning hands.

We do not claim that these free online poker tips will help you win money, this article is for information purpose only.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Poker Room Offers Players Shares of Theit Profit!

This is a great idea for a new poker room. It's also a great way for players to earn more money playing poker. They give you frequent player points just like a lot of poker rooms but they also give you a "share" point for each frequent player point that you earn! Owning share points are actually like owning a part of the poker room, you get a piece of the profits. The more share points you get the more of the poker room you "own"! I think this is a great idea and one of the best ways to give money back to the players that I'v seen!

Use this special link to download their software right now, don't miss out on the 100% bonus!

--> Get a Share of the profits and a 100% Bonus, Click here!

You should always be taking advantage of poker room promotions. My website is full of great promotions, freerolls, and money back offers. Here's a few good pages for getting the most out of your play.

*Freeroll list And Special freerolls, Click here!

*Get rake back and money back from your play, Click Here!

*The Best Promotions list, Click here!

*Site Reviews and bonus list, Click Here!

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Who else want to make money Promoting poker?

the online poker industry is huge right now, and its the perfect time to cash in on it!

I have just opened my new website that has a simple system that allows anyone to create a residual income by simply promoting online poker rooms. You dont even need to build a website because i'll build one for you.

For more information check out my new site:

Thursday, April 13, 2006 Blogger contests

I am now entered into the blogger contest. Im ready to win!

Get Flash

I play poker at

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Poker Secrets School Forum

The new forum is now up and running! We hope to create on of the best poker communitys online so come and join the community.

Come join the poker forum, Click here.

Member of the forum will be invited to up comming freeroll tourmants, including a $250 freeroll at the end of the month. We will also be working on getting weekly $100 dollar freeroll tournaments for all forum members.

So hurry aup and join today!

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Online Poker Blogger Championship!

Looks like i get to play in a freeroll at

Poker Championship

I have registered to play in the
Online Poker Blogger Championship!

This event is powered by PokerStars.

Registration code: 7132970

I Could really use a 24'' monitor! 19'' is good, just not great.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Poker Secrets School tool bar!

Get your custom alexa/ toolbar.

Block pop-ups, Searching help, and more.

Check it out here:


Sunday, July 24, 2005

“Are Online Poker Players Using Strategy Software, While Playing, Cheating?”

New poker strategy software has come out in the poker world for use while playing online poker. The software actually plays "with" you and "watches" you and other players play. A lot of players agree that software like this can give players an "unfair" advantage but is it so "Unfair" that it’s cheating?
I took a look at 2 different strategy programs that run, and give advice, while you play poker online. On is called Texas Calculatem and the other, PokerOffice. On the Texas Calculatem website they say that the software "Gives advice on how you should play your hand given probabilities of you vs. your opponent" they also say that the software gives players "additional info, including odds of making certain hands, odds of one of your opponents making certain hands, # outs, pre-flop hand strength & Sklansky score"
It seems that the software, Texas Calculatem does give players and advantage, but is it "un-fair"? I sent an e-mail to 3 different "large" poker sites and asked them what they thought of the software. I was surprised to hear that none of them had any problems with the Texas Calculatem software. It seems that they don’t find that it gives players and "un-fair" advantage at all. Each poker site agreed that the software was, in fact, very fair.
The next strategy software on my list is PokerOffice. This software seems a bit more powerful. The makers of the software claim that “PokerOffice, tracks all of your opponents actions as well as your own game” This software seems to really get into your opponents head, It keeps track of how many hands your opponents play, how aggressive they play, and even how much money they win.
On the PokerOffice site it says the software can “Track every player you have ever played against and see how often they see the flop, raise pre-flop, check-raise, win at showdown, play bottom pair on the flop, and much more.”
The PokerOffice has to be crossing a line somewhere, its actually watching other peoples play, even getting into there “personal” business. Well to my surprise again after asking 3 “large” poker sites it seems that none of them believe this software to give any player an “un-fair” advantage. In fact it seems that the poker sites recommend that players use the software.
I guess the best thing to do is see it for yourself. Texas Calculatem has a demo of the software for people to see on their site. You can see it by Clicking Here.
PokerOffice offers a free trial to any poker player that wants one. You need to check out this software, it’s amazing. Get your free trial by clicking here!

Monday, March 14, 2005

WPT + WSOP + Online Party Poker = Lots of texas holdem players

I have been playing texas holdem poker for quite awhile now. Starting will small poker home games i decided i likeed poker, alot! I started to read many poker books by Tom McEvoy, doyal brunson, Lou Krieger, Gus Hanson, and Phil Hellmuth. After reading and reading I started to become a very good player. I look back and see that the hardest part of the game was to realise that poker, especially holdem poker is a mix of skill and luck. Playing good dosent always insure a win.

Now poker has exploded! Good poker players have become celeberties and almost eveyone knows how to play holdem poker. If you have not jumped in to poker i reccommed that you start right now.

Come join the FREE Poker Secrets School and recive my FREE Winning Online Poker E-book!